Our purpose, our reason for being, is what sustains us—both in work and outside; in good times, and particularly in bad times. Purpose is what gives us the energy to get out of bed everyday, to push forward in the face of obstacles, to keep going even in difficult times. Purpose allows us to grow, to live in harmony with who we are and what we believe in, and gives us the space to be the best we can be.

My work puts individuals and teams back in touch with their purpose. Too often, in the instant world of today, under the pressure of expectations—both ours and others—we tend to forget what we’re really all about; why we’re really here.

My work with my clients helps them to understand what defines them, to enunciate their purpose and hence bring meaning to their work and their lives. I work with individuals and teams across industries, functions, and hierarchical levels to help them crystallise their purpose, distill it down into a clear work and life focus, and set a way of living and working that is in deep harmony with their values, so that their work, the way they do it, and the impact they make is meaningful, relevant, and life-giving.